Wednesday, June 27th, 2018
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12 Week Challenge!
Join Cowgirl Fit NOW! Receive a HUGE Discount and get ready for the 12 Week Challenge that begins July 23rd. Get Challenge for only $39.95 (reg. $59.95) Use Coupon Code JUNE Expires July 1st! Or save even more! Get monthly membership for $9.95 Here’s what you can enjoy with ourRead More …
You Have Just Finished the Challenge and Now What?

Congratulations!! You have just finished the 10 Day No Sugar Challenge! So you have just finished the challenge and now you might be thinking, “Now what?” Well we would love to have you continue. If you would like to continue with the no sugar that is great, or you canRead More …
Our Special Pricing
Thank you for joining us on our last challenge! You worked hard and we want to offer you a special price to continue with us. Regular monthly price is $14.95/mth and you can get it for only $7.95/mth! Best of all, you are grandfathered in as long as you remainRead More …