dawne1223 posted an update in the group
Horse Hobby Group 6 years, 8 months ago
Where does everyone in this group live? I live in Reno NV and would love to find someone close to trail ride with.
I live in Veguita, NM and work in Albuquerque
I live in Perkins, OK. If you are ever in this area I would love to show you guys around.
I will keep that in mind. Would be awesome to explore other areas from horse back 😜
It would be my pleasure to show you around…
I live near Fresno, CA. Let me know if you ever travel to central California.
We do go over to Cali sometimes since it’s not far. If we plan on heading your way I will let you know. Oh and I have gotten 2 emails saying you sent me a friend request but when I try to go in and accept it says I have no requests 😳. I am trying to figure out the deal lol.
Awesome! I’ve just started getting back into riding after being on bedrest with my pregnancy, and trail riding is my favorite. I got a couple of notifications about your comment here before I was actually able to pull it up – maybe give it a few minutes? Or just send me a friend request and we can be lost together haha
I figured out the friend request: member’s arena > profile > friends > requests!
I go there and it doesn’t show a request from you 😡. I go to your profile to send one to you and it tells me a requestrian has been sent already . Getting frustrated. Had a request come in after yours and it showed up with no problems
Grr. No wonder I have no friends lol Technology and I have never gotten along.