
  • Kimsyra posted an update in the group Group logo of Accountability GroupAccountability Group 6 years, 6 months ago

    Hi everyone! We are in a gap, following the 10 day sugar detox, and the 12 week challenge. I did join the 12-week challenge. I still have not eaten any candy, cakes, bread, cookies, not even a tortilla! I’ve been concentrating on salads with a few meats thrown in. I’m continuing to lose a little weight. We went to the cutting horse show in Sweetwater, and I stayed on my eating plan through the show, and the drive home. The 7 hours in the truck wears on your discipline. I had bought some 100 calorie nut packs, and mozzarella cheese sticks that I kept in a cooler. That and a salad for lunch did the trick! I would love to hear how all of you are doing.