
  • Chantellg93 posted an update in the group Group logo of Accountability GroupAccountability Group 6 years, 6 months ago

    It’s been a long but good day! I was able to get a 70 min total workout in 😊 half was walking/ jogging and half was body weight leg workout. I have been getting better, but I truly struggle with being too competitive with myself. I need to remember I don’t have go 100% or 0%. I really struggle with walking vs running, taking more time to do certain exercises, and not beating PRs every workout. Today I’ve realized that this has been a big struggle with my working out in the past. I use to do really good, so now I feel if I’m not doing above my best then I may as well just do nothing. It’s so dumb to type out, but I feel like this is a block that I’ve held myself back with (and the major reason I’ve gained weight). I need to remember it’s NOT all or nothing. Walking sure beats sitting on the couch. Light weights or lower reps is better than noting!

    • Start where you are, do what you can, right??

    • I can relate! It’s hard when you are competitive – we are told the we should be our own competition, which is great, but we have to find that in-between you are talking about. Not as a resting place where we become stagnant, but as a step towards winning the competition against yester-us lol

      • EXACTLY!!! Lol. It’s okay to not be breaking records everyday, but keep doing stuff everyday to keep getting stronger and breaking personal records in the long run!