You Have Just Finished the Challenge and Now What?
Posted by: Admin | Posted on: June 27, 2018
Congratulations!! You have just finished the 10 Day No Sugar Challenge!
So you have just finished the challenge and now you might be thinking, “Now what?” Well we would love to have you continue. If you would like to continue with the no sugar that is great, or you can start to slowly add sugar back into your diet.
If you are like me, I know myself and know that I will not be able to forever go without sugar. So what I do after a No Sugar Challenge is begin to slowly add sugar back into my diet. I have tried about every diet out there. But what I have found out is, I can’t stay away from sugar, bread and all the other things I love for the rest of my life. I have tried that and what happens is, I stay on it for a few months and then rebel. So what I have found to work the best for me is to still eat my favorites, but limit my intake. We are going to have more about this in our Cowgirl Fit planners that will be included in the Cowgirl Fit membership.
We are really looking forward to the next few months and then 2019! We have some amazing things planned and we hope you will be a part of it!
Beginning July 23rd, we are starting the longest and biggest challenge we have ever had! It’s the “12 Week Challenge” and we have positioned it so that it will end just a couple weeks before Halloween. Would you love to be a little lighter and fitter for the holidays? If so, stick with us!
The Challenge:
The 12 Week Challenge will run from July 23rd to October 22nd. We will give away 2 prizes each month, one for the person who has lost the most percentage of weight and one for the person who has received the most points on our website. The point system will include such things as joining our groups, commenting in the groups, joining in conversations, doing the work outs, and more! So, if you aren’t the one that lost the most percentage of weight you can still receive a prize if you have participated fully.
Finally the end of the challenge, the 3rd month, we will give away the grand prize which is a pair of Noble Outfitters Western Boots! (A $199 value).
We hope you will stick with us and get to that goal weight you have been working for!
If you are interested in joining the challenge and receiving a huge discount, fill out the form below!