Susan Gentry

  • You did it!! It’s the end of the 10 Day Challenge! We hope to hear how all of you did! We are working on some great new updates on the site that we are so excited about. They will be done soon! We are giving you a special offer to stay with us! Only $7.95/mth and it includes our challenges, community, planners and more! Sign up before July…[Read more]

    • And the last X is in!! I feel so fulfilled LOL! This has been a great challenge. I’m looking forward to the 12 Week Challenge! I already have my holiday outfit pictured in my head! Thanks for offering this! <3

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    One other thing that we are working on is a point system that will be ready for the challenge. You do so well at using our website. In the challenge there will be two ways to win a prize each month. Whoever loses the most percentage of weight and also whoever totals the most points for using our site. You have a great chance to win some…[Read more]

    • Yay, we did it!! I also didn’t sneak any candy or desserts! This challenge has been great! So glad I did it! Thank you!

      • Yay Sandigirl!!! If we can do 10 days, we can go longer. My knee is feeling really great,and I feel stronger than I have in a year. My knee surgery was May 12th. I didn’t realize how much the knee affected me until I got it fixed. Now, I can see how it contributed to my deconditioning and weight gain. I’m thinking about doing the 12 week…[Read more]

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    Great job! You did so well, can’t wait to hear about your results! We hope you will continue with us with the 12 week challenge. Remember, you can sign up for only $7.95/mth and it will include all challenges.This price is less than what you would pay for a most meals (The 12 Week Challenge will be $49.95) so this is a great deal! Your price…[Read more]

    • One other thing that we are working on is a point system that will be ready for the challenge. You do so well at using our website. In the challenge there will be two ways to win a prize each month. Whoever loses the most percentage of weight and also whoever totals the most points for using our site. You have a great chance to win some…[Read more]

      • Yay, we did it!! I also didn’t sneak any candy or desserts! This challenge has been great! So glad I did it! Thank you!

        • Yay Sandigirl!!! If we can do 10 days, we can go longer. My knee is feeling really great,and I feel stronger than I have in a year. My knee surgery was May 12th. I didn’t realize how much the knee affected me until I got it fixed. Now, I can see how it contributed to my deconditioning and weight gain. I’m thinking about doing the 12 week…[Read more]

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    Great job you guys! You are so awesome to have this almost finished! Just wanted to let you know we will be introducing something tomorrow and we have a very special offer for those who have done the 10 day challenge. Stay tuned for it!

  • Day 9 is over and tomorrow is the last day!! You have done great on this 10 Day Challenge! We will be introducing something new tomorrow and since you have been on this Challenge, we want to offer you an exclusive offer only for the 10 Day No Sugar Challengers! Stay tuned tomorrow!…[Read more]

  • It’s the end of Day 7! How did you do over the weekend! Only 3 more days to go! You guys rock!

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    Wow!! What a day, you are killin’ it! So proud of you! All of that and no sugar so far! Only 3 more days to go! We hope you are feeling good!

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 2 months ago

    Yes, eat a little more. We don’t want you weak and tired. 🙂 Hats off for being so strong over the weekend!

  • It’s the end of Day 5! You guys are awesome. We love reading your comments and how you are beating the sugar. Hang in there, the end is in sight and then you can start incorporating a little sugar in your diet or continue the no sugar ban. Keep it going!

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 3 months ago

    Yes, many of us are in the same boat! It completely starts to change when you hit your mid 40’s…. Ahhggg… It’s easier when you have others going through the same thing, that’s for sure! Thanks for sharing!

  • Susan Gentry posted an update in the group Group logo of WorkoutsWorkouts 6 years, 3 months ago

    One of the things that we do regularly is walking/running with our horse. Instead of always riding, we take long walks with bouts of jogging. It not only good exercise, but helps bond with your horse. We haven’t made our videos yet, so are sharing “EllEquestrian” video. There are so many things you can do while spending time with your…[Read more]

  • Four days down!! We’re almost half-way there. Those of you that have stuck with this should be feeling your pants fitting a bit looser! Aren’t you glad you stuck with this. Keep it going! How did you all do today?

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 3 months ago

    We day do it! 🙂 You’re doing great! Good job!

  • It’s Day 4! Anyone noticing their tummy getting a little flatter in the morning? Let’s keep it going. Almost half way there!

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 3 months ago

    Good job! Thanks for reporting in! It hopefully helps to stick with your goals!

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 3 months ago

    Yahoo! Great job!

  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 3 months ago


  • Susan Gentry posted a new activity comment 6 years, 3 months ago

    Yard work is great after the workouts!

  • Day 3 is down! How did you all do? We’re getting some good feedback that you’re sticking with it! Hang in there! It seems the first 3 days are always the hardest!

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