
  • Susan Gentry posted an update in the group Group logo of Calorie Watching LifestyleCalorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago

    There is a blog I want you to read that talks about the 5:2 Logic and the 16:8. It’s something I also do with the restricted calorie intake. It breaks it down in this blog post and really helps me on the weekend to not cheat…

    [bpfb_link url=’’ title=’The 5:2 Logic – Cowgirl Fit’ image=’×200.jpg’]You may have heard about 5:2 or the 16:8 and you may be thinking, what is this all about. Well, let me break it down for you a bit. I have actually done both, but really like sticking with the 5:2.[/bpfb_link]