Active 5 years, 11 months ago-
Gigi62 posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago
Just returned from Italy a Tour of Tuscany, It was what I always called a dream vacation. One I never figured I could really do. I changed it from a dream to a goal with a plan.I made it HAPPEN! 7 days of walking all over the the beautiful rolling hills , coastline shores, eating everything from Sweet to Savory that was put in front of me, and…[Read more]
Gigi62 posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
headache by day 2 a diet coke by day3, but not giving up still drinking more water.
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
Horse Hobby Group 6 years ago
Went sorting last weekend it was so much fun, Love being on my horses
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
45 and over 6 years ago
having a hard time working out every other day, So I am going to shoot for everyday for 30 min. untill it becomes a habit.
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
Accountability Group 6 years ago
Day #1 with out Diet Coke wish me luck and stay clear LOL
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
Accountability Group 6 years ago
Sorting was lots of fun this weekend stayed over after for a horse sale. Bought 1 LOL
Gigi62 posted an update 6 years ago
Fighting a headache today. drinking water and resting. this weekend is another team sorting, this one is in Tremonton Ut. wish me luck
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
45 and over 6 years ago
I’m finding that at almost 63 yrs of age I am having a hard time staying motivated. I’m pretty sure my horses and dogs don’t care how I look. I just keep reminding myself it’s for me so I can continue to do the things I like.
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
Accountability Group 6 years ago
yay 60 oz drank today (water) didn’t do any workouts today between shoveling snow and cleaning a couple houses i’m to tired .
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
Accountability Group 6 years ago
struggling to get 90 oz. a day but im getting there. between 50 and 60 oz,
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
Horse Hobby Group 6 years ago
I’m lucky, Tuesday’s are our 4-H riding nights so I ride before or after my club is done. Nothing better than kids and horses brings lots of laughter
Gigi62 posted a new activity comment 6 years ago
Looks and sounds really good, Think I will make them for our 4-H meeting Tuesday.
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
45 and over 6 years ago
Happy Sunday everyone, If I had been as smart at 16 as I thought I was I would still be in shape.LOL Today was mediation time and time for stretching.
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
Accountability Group 6 years, 1 month ago
adding water to my days Goal 90 0z per day. Yesterday I only managed about 32 oz. Already at 32 today yay.
Gigi62 posted an update in the group
Workouts 6 years, 1 month ago
I did it! a work out every day, OK they were only 15min. each New goal 20 min 4 days a week 10 for cardio and 10 for core strength. Mu Mantra or Moto for 2019 is ALL IN!
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