Active 6 years, 3 months ago-
Kat changed their profile picture 6 years, 6 months ago
Kat posted an update in the group
Accountability Group 6 years, 6 months ago
Ugh, haven’t been able to do anything physical for almost a week. Have any of you ladies dealt with sciatica before? I’m pretty sure that’s what I have. Going to a chiropractor tomorrow. Fingers crossed I’ll be able to at least walk again after that.
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
Is that the kind of cowboy church where you get to take your horse? I heard of one once that takes place in an arena on horseback! Do you do any roping yourself? My engagement gift to my husband was a roping saddle – he’s not much of a rider but wanted something sturdy. I love my barrel saddle! Light and comfortable. Much nicer than a show saddle.
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
Hahahaha! I miss my pre-pregnancy jeans. I’m back in my boots though 😉
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
Good work! Sounds like a busy time, which definitely makes it harder to stay on track food wise. Think of the money you save by not getting an “actual” drink when you go out…
And yay for horses being home soon! -
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
Wow, that sounds great! The kind of healthy food that tricks you into thinking it’s a treat.
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
Praying for your family. We went through that last year with pancreatic cancer, among other things. So happy for you her surgery was successful. And family support is the greatest!
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
I remember that from my in-laws house. For some reason the ice cream was super hard, but oh so good
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
You’re welcome 🙂 It should be a good fall food. I’ve tried to make it before, but some of the ingredients got used before I could..
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
Grr. No wonder I have no friends lol Technology and I have never gotten along.
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
Mounting would be a challenge – hopefully your horse stands well! I love bareback riding, and it’s such a great workout too!
Kat posted a new activity comment 6 years, 6 months ago
As the crow flies, the Ferguson fire is about 60 miles, and the Lion fire is a bit closer.
Kat posted an update in the group
Mama Strong 6 years, 6 months ago
For exercises I can’t really incorporate Bubbles into, such as yoga, I’ve lucked out with his pretty consistent nap schedule that allows me somewhat planned time to myself to get it done! How do other mamas work around their baby’s schedules?
Kat posted an update in the group
Accountability Group 6 years, 6 months ago
After not working out for a while and getting back into it, I noticed my muscles have been extra tight. That, along with the air quality being terrible, made me decide to stay inside today and work on stretches. I did a couple of short yoga sessions and attempted pilates.
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