
  • Kat posted an update in the group Group logo of Horse Hobby GroupHorse Hobby Group 6 years, 6 months ago

    What disciplines do y’all ride?

    • I ride mostly western. But I was trying out my new saddle today. It’s a contoured bareback pad with stirrups. It is so comfortable, but it’s going to take some getting used to not having a saddle horn for mounting and unmounting LOL!

      • Mounting would be a challenge – hopefully your horse stands well! I love bareback riding, and it’s such a great workout too!

    • I ride western. We live on a small ranch… We go to cowboy church… I’m married to a team roper… So I have a roping saddle … but I recently got a barrel saddle… I’m not going to lie… I love it… it’s so light. I wanted something to just throw and play in…

      • Is that the kind of cowboy church where you get to take your horse? I heard of one once that takes place in an arena on horseback! Do you do any roping yourself? My engagement gift to my husband was a roping saddle – he’s not much of a rider but wanted something sturdy. I love my barrel saddle! Light and comfortable. Much nicer than a show saddle.

        • We have several events in our arena. But church is in a sale ring of an auction. Yes, I started team roping at age 40 and enjoy being on our all girls ranch rodeo team.