Susan Gentry wrote a new post 5 years, 8 months ago
As many of you know, I have talked a lot about how restricting my calories really works for me when I am trying to lose weight. I have restricted my calories to 1,300 calories or less per day. I have found that […]
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
It’s too hot for biking outside. I did a stationary bike, weights and treadmill today and will still get a swim in. I’m upping my workouts!
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Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
I bought a big container of unsalted cashews for snacks at Costco. It really give me the energy to get through an afternoon. I have a handful after my workout.
Sandigirl posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
I am very excited about this! Thank you!
Sandigirl joined the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
Day 2
Ok, so if you read the last blog I just wrote, 5:2 you will understand what I did today. I had a relaxing morning and didn’t eat breakfast until 11am. I will still eat my 1,300 calories but I will eat it in the 11am-7pm time frame. Remember, it is birthday week, so we are planning a little bit of high calories with take out again tonight. I…[Read more] -
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
There is a blog I want you to read that talks about the 5:2 Logic and the 16:8. It’s something I also do with the restricted calorie intake. It breaks it down in this blog post and really helps me on the weekend to not cheat…
[bpfb_link url=’https://www.cowgirlfit.com/fitness/the-52-logic/’ title=’The 5:2 Logic – Cowgirl Fit’ i…[Read more]
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
These are my two snacks that I ate today. I love the frozen Dippers that are dark chocolate covered real banana slices made with 67% cacao. They are 100 calories a pack of 4.5 g fat 13 g carbs and 7 g sugar. I also had a Healthy Choice Fudge bar with 100 calories, 1.5 g fat, 17 g carbs and 5 g sugar. Yes, there will be days where I will be…[Read more]
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
Ok, tonight was kind of junk food, but not too bad. I ordered a bean and cheese burrito which did count for protein and then I had a free Dorito Taco. The total calories came to 520, but that still gave me 275 for a snack tonight. I will show you my snacks in the nex post!
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Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
It was too hot to workout outside today, so I did a pool workout and rode my stationary bike!
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Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
For lunch I had a salad with chicken breast, boiled egg and light Ranch dressing. I also drank a lot of water. This week we are planning getting a few take out meals as it’s Birthday week for one of my kids. Yes, you heard right… we started birthday week a couple of years ago instead of just birthday and it’s been fun expanding it all out…[Read more]
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
I track what I eat and workout on my Fit Bit. If you do not have a smart watch, you can use the “My Fitness Pal” app. It’s free and I have used it and loved it! Tracking this will help you see how many calories you have burned and how many you have left for the day. It shows your macros and so much more. Well worth the minute it takes to log…[Read more]
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
Day 1
I was in a rush in the morning, so only had time for a quick Carnation Instant Breakfast. If I am working out in the morning, I will drink a protein shake instead. I try to average about 300 calories per meal, and then one or two snacks during the day. I didn’t eat as much this morning, so I can save the calories for…[Read more] -
Susan Gentry wrote a new post 5 years, 8 months ago
Intermittent Fasting on the Weekend!
You may have heard about 5:2 or the 16:8 and you may be thinking, what is this all about. Well, let me break it down for you a bit. I have actually done both, but really […]
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
Read my blog on “What I Finally Did That Changed My Life”
[bpfb_link url=’https://www.cowgirlfit.com/blog/what-i-finally-did-that-changed-my-life/’ title=’What I Finally Did That Changed My Life – Cowgirl Fit’ image=’https://www.cowgirlfit.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/IMG_20190508_101311_067-1024×1024.jpg’]I think I have tried every type of d…[Read more] -
Susan Gentry joined the group
Calorie Watching Lifestyle 5 years, 8 months ago
Sandigirl posted an update in the group
Accountability Group 5 years, 10 months ago
I have been drinking Carnation Breakfast Essentials every morning right before I work out. Its quick and easy, but sure it’s loaded with sugar. I have noticed my jeans fitting a little loser! Now I need to concentrate eating healthier dinners…
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