Kat posted an update in the group Workouts 6 years, 5 months ago
Do any of you ladies do pilates? I just tried a very short intro to it the other day, and wanted to know if anyone practices it more intensely. I’ve never been as out of shape as I am right now, so I’m looking for something that I can build up to.
Kat posted an update in the group Accountability Group 6 years, 5 months ago
I second Chantellg93 – having the no sugar challenge to think about gives me another layer of reasons to lay off the sugar. I went for a walk around the neighborhood this morning since the smoke from the fire near Yosemite wasn’t terrible. It’s about a 2.25 mile loop, and it was my first time walking it without my husband along, just Bubbles in…[Read more]
Kat posted an update in the group Challenges 6 years, 5 months ago
I’m so glad I read the email telling us about the 10-day sugar free spree BEFORE I went grocery shopping this morning! If great bodies are built in the kitchen, I’d better start getting serious about monitoring what gets brought into that building arena.
Kat posted an update in the group Mama Strong 6 years, 5 months ago
Looking for ideas on how you incorporate mama hood into your workouts, or how you make time for yourself to get healthy.
Chantellg93 posted an update in the group Accountability Group 6 years, 5 months ago
Today went alright for me. I hadn’t been doing much sugar starting before this challenge started, but today knowing I shouldn’t have it was harder. I resisted the temptation of sweets (it does help there’s not much at all in the house) Since moving we have been eating healthy! I have been working out regularly lately, which I’m so glad about.…[Read more]
Admin posted an update in the group Accountability Group 6 years, 5 months ago
Don’t forget to post how you did today! How was your first day of no sugar? We would suggest not weighing yourself everyday as it can fluctuate. You will also notice you are losing inches when trying on your clothing. That is usually the best indication and keeps you motivated. Sometimes the scales can be a little deceptive.
Susan Gentry posted an update in the group Recipe Swap 6 years, 5 months ago
Here are a few tasty cookie recipes ideas we have found that don’t take sugar and might help in weeks ahead where you really need a sweet treat. The peanut butter ones are a favorite.
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Susan Gentry posted an update in the group Recipe Swap 6 years, 5 months ago
Here are a few tasty cookie recipes ideas we have found that don’t take sugar and might help in weeks ahead where you really need a sweet treat. The peanut butter ones are a favorite.
[bpfb_video][/bpfb_video] -
Robinlea12 posted an update in the group Accountability Group 6 years, 5 months ago
Hey ya’ll… I’m so ready for this challenge… and Lord knows I need accountability. I hope that I am an encouragement to you guys… Put me in my place if I’m not… the world has enough negativity without me adding to it. With that being said… I just turned 50 this year and when I look around at women my age I’m frightened. Cowgirls I feel l…[Read more]
OK, Robinlea, you asked for it!! I was busy all day, wondering what all of you were up to, I did the last no sugar challenge and really made progress, I backslid a little but I’ve been riding a LOT. My husband is under the weather right now so I have to keep the two horses exercised. Frankly, I’m loving it. I have to go to Dallas for 2 day…[Read more]
Way to plan!!! I need to be better at that for sure!!!
I really need this challenge to stay focused. I would love to lose about 30 pounds! I am picturing my new outfit for the holidays. This group keeps me accountable and motivated. I hope I can stick it out!
Ok ladies, I did clean the stalls this morning, before I packed my bag (with tennis shoes and workout clothes) for the trip to Dallas. Waiting at the airport right now. I hope the hotel is in a decent spot with a great place to workout. I will try to take a pic to post here. We are going to drop some of the summer “pudge”!!!
You go cowgirl! I am so proud of you. You have inspired me to workout no matter what tonight!!! Will let you guys know how it goes…
Yes, post a picture. I hope your hotel has a good workout room. I took a walk with my horse tonight. Too hot to ride. Still in the 100’s… I’m going to start weights tomorrow and cardio.
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