
  • Vicki posted an update in the group Group logo of Recipe SwapRecipe Swap 2 years, 10 months ago

    Breakfast Egg Muffins
    5 Eggs
    Chopped Chorizo
    Diced Onion
    Chopped Spinach
    Pinch of Black Pepper
    Diced Feta Cheese (for a little added flavour)

    Mix all ingredients together in a jug (apart from the Feta). Pour into a muffin tray and sprinkle the diced Feta on top. Bake in the oven for on 180° until we’ll risen and cooked through (about 20 minutes). Enjoy!!

    5 eggs usually makes me 12 muffins and I have 2 as a portion size. Quick and easy breakfast and spinach is a great fat burner!