Strong Spring 60 Challenge!
April 2 – May 30! 60 Days and Follow 6 Steps!
Welcome to the Cowgirl Fit Strong Spring 60 Challenge! This challenge will get you in the routine of living healthy. There are 6 steps that you need to follow everyday to succeed at this challenge.
1-Follow your choice of diet for 60 days. (ex. low calorie, keto, smaller portions etc…)
2-Do one workout at least 30-60 minutes per day
3-Walk 8k-10k steps each day
4-Drink 64-120oz water per day
5-Add more protein to your diet. (Good estimate is 1g protein for each pound you weigh)
6-Keep track daily of your progress.
That’s it!! You will also want to take a before picture on the day you start and another photo on the day you end to see your progress.

Let’s Get Fit Together For Summer!
You will also receive a pdf to save and print off where you can keep track of your food, exercise, water, protein… all of it! This will be emailed to you once you join! Once the 60 days are over, you will have a great start to the summer!
Sign Up
There are two sign up options. The challenge is $19.95. Or you can subscribe to my Cowgirl Boss Facebook Page which is only $4.99/mth (cancel anytime)
This is the better offer and you also will be included in all of my monthly PDF, Cowgirl With A Plan and also receive VIP discounts on merchandise and a FREE digital subscription to Cowgirls In Style Magazine!
Subscribe To Cowgirl Boss F.B. Page ($4.99/mth cancel anytime)
This includes Everything Cowgirl!
-Cowgirls In Style Magazine Digital Subscription (6/year digital issues you can view on computer, phone or table)
-Monthly PDF to help grow your business or organize your life better
-Includes Challenges we are doing. Fitness, Organization, Planning etc…
-VIP discount on merchandise